Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tumpak Rinjing Monument

Statue of The Patriots
Monument Tumpak Rinjing is located at Dadapan Village, in District Pringkuku Pacitan. This monument is built as reminder of guerrilla route that was performed by Big Commander, General Sudirman in Pacitan in order to fight the colonization. There are two big statue at that monument. They are General Sudirman and Brigadier General Ignatius Slamet Riyadi as the leader of the war and guerrilla. This monument also was built to remember the service of the patriots that died in Tumpak Rinjing war against the convoy army of Colonial Netherland that was happened in June 7th, 1948.

The access road to this monument is very easy, using the "Pacitan-Solo bus". That monument is right at the rear read. The area of this monument is not large, and there are no facility. It is just a good place if you want to stop from your journey to take a rest, or taking a photo, or somehow, want to remember or give honor to the patriots. 

That monument also is a favorite route for senior high school in their exploring for extracurricular program. In some occasion, that place is used for "Palagan Tumpak Rinjing" Event. It is a marching festival. Peoples made a group for 10 peoples and walk from the central of Pacitan (alon-alon), to the Pringkuku and pass Monument Tumpak rinjing, and back to the alon-alon. It is about walking for 35km endurance, started from 8pm (night) to 7am (morning).

This place is good as a resting place for biker, before continuing their journey. The location is rather shady with the blowing wind and the tree surround it. The shelters there is the best place to rest and eat your food. Make sure to keep that place clean.

That is for Monument of Tumpak Rinjing. See you in my next post. Bye. <more picture>

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Gesingan Beach

This place is located in Dadapan Village, Pringkuku. It is about 15 km from alon alon pacitan. You can come here follow the Pacitan-Solo's bus route. You will find Monument Tumpak Rinjing, on the left side road, with a small narrow road with a small gate right after that monument. Turn in to that gate and follow the road through a village. The road is still in asphalt form, but in very bad condition. You will find a three section after it, make sure that you turn left, then follow the road again. From here, the road will change into macadam. 

Following that macadam road, you will arrive at the wide area, that you can see the landscape of South Ocean from there. Such beautiful scenery. That wide area is called Lapangan Tembak (Fire Practiceing Field). Sometimes, that area is used by Indonesian Army to practice Shooting Fire arm. Peoples can not go to Gesingan Beach using that route if the Army still in practice. It is happened rarely though, so don't worry about that.
From Lapangan Tembak, you must go by walking. Go straight to south, and you will find down path, follow it. The gesingan beach is located rather in the left,. When you find a splitting path, make sure to choose left. If you walk the wrong way, you will reach under the field, that only contain dangerous cliffs. The way down is rather long, maybe about 10 minutes walking.

Gesingan beach is still quiet place, has its white sand, coral along the shore with some traditional fisherman there looking for sea shell. That place also a good choice for fishing. The scenery from that beach is very beautiful, without a noise from seller, clean area, that can make you enjoy vacation. Taking picture from many angle using the unique coral that spread along that small beach.

The pacitan-solo course itself is also another good point. You can enjoy the trip by looking the scenery of teleng ria beach from upside. Some time you will find a shady area with a large tree and fresh air in the middle of your trip. If you still have enough time, you can also visit Loh denok. They are very close.

That is all for Gesingan Beach. See you in my another post. Bye.
<More Picture>

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Loh Denok and Pacitan Indah

Loh Denok is located in "Pacitan-Solo" bus route. It is about 12 km from the center of pacitan to the west. It is on the same direction with Teleng Ria Beach and Monument of Tumpak Rinjing. It is right beside the main road. Loh Denok is not officially called as Pacitan Tourism, but it surely has a good scenery. You can see the view from above, see the whole pacitan city, its beach, its town, its mountain and with the mild blowing wind up there. At the night time, when you pass Loh Denok, you will see the beautiful light from lamp in the city, it is looked as a black sea with the stars light in it. With the real stars spread on the night sky high.  

There was a Dawet Ice and Lotes (like fruid salad) in the small food stall made from wood. That was my favourite, it was cheap and yummy. Now, the stall is not there anymore. Regardless it is daylight or night, Loh Denok is a favorite place for couple teenagers. The place is somehow, romantic and refreshing.
You can Park your car or motorcycle there, then walk for 10m to north, walking in the grass path. There, you can find an old fortress left from war period. That fortress face ocean in order to observe incoming attack from ocean. There are a buried underground, but you can still walk down there.

Or, from your car or motorcycle, you can also walk 10m to south, walking in the brush path, you will find an old building. It is the most favorite place for couple to do something, or just enjoying the scenery. If you want to take picture of sunset or sen rice, this old building is your right place, since you can climb up to the building roof to take picture. That old building is strong enough for you all to stand up there.

Pacitan Indah
There are also another place similar with Loh denok. It is called "Pacitan Indah", that place is also not officialy known as Tourism location, but it is good enough to take a rest and got rid of all stiff in your body. It is also a favourite place for coulpes, and also for whole family to do a picnic. It is located on the west side of loh denok. It is about 25km from Central of Pacitan, or 10 Km to the west more after Loh denok.

This location is in responsibility of government forest agency. This place is rather shady, with a lot of big tree around that area. The wind is also blowing and make your self refreshed. You can also see the beauty of pacitan with its vast ocean from above. There are wooden building as sign of that place that originally used by government forest agency.

That is for Loh Denok and Pacitan Indah, see you in my next post. Bye. <More Picture>

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Limo Mountain

Gunung Limo is one of the object of tourism in pacitan. It about 15 km from Alon-Alon Pacitan to the East, in mantren village, District of Kebonagung. You can get there by using JLS (South Line Road) and turn left before the Woro Wari Bridge. Look for Gayam Traditional market, then turn left again follow the road. The JLS road is plain and wide, but you will find a rather difficult small road with hill contour after Gayam traditional Market. Another information, from Gayam Traditional Market you can also go to Wawaran Beach and Woro wari Beach. Dont you worry about your motor cycle or Car, because there are a wide parking area on Gunung Limo's Foot.
Gunung Jepen, Bathok, Lanang (left).---------Gunung Limo series (right)
From many Mounts in pacitan, gunung Limo is believed at the mountain that omit highest spiritual energy because of his history. But it is up to you to believe of not, but came here with good intention is the best thing that you can do about its spiritual energy. Among the mountains in pacitan, gunung Limo has phenomenon of real jungle. You can find high and big three with the vine hanging around there. The ascend food path will guide you onto its peak. You will find, sometime, climbing using an emergency ladder with a rope as helper in some difficult path. Right before its peak, you will find a big rock that have a crack as a small tunnel. The crack is very narrow, it only can be used for one person. It is believed, that people with a bad intention, regardless how big their body size will not be able to pass that crack. But people with a good intention do. That crack also known with the name of "selo Matangkep" or "Watu Apit"
After passed that rock, you will find its peak. There are two peaks in gunung Limo, the first peak is the nearest with the cracking rock. From there, you can see the Beautiful panorama of kebonagung village, with the wind is strongly blowing. That is my favorite place, although you can not build your tent here because it has a rock as its foundation .

Then you can walk a little bit further to find another peak. That is higher that first peak, you can see the spreading beaches in pacitan. If you want to camp, this peak is better because it has a solid ground to build a tent and the wind is not strong.

In gunung Limo, there are also place called "pertapan". It is a place for hermit to pray. That is like a shallow cave, some people often use that place to pray (in their own believe) and bring some incense and myrrh there. If you are brave enough, it is also good place to sleep, no need to worry about the rain that "pertapan". Enjoy your recreation, your camping, with your friends, and don't worry to bring your Guitar. 

Always remember this thing,"Don't Take anything but picture, don't Left anything but Footprints and don't Kill anything but time". Keep the area clean. Happy Camping!
That is for Gunung Limo, See you next time in my another post. Bye. <More picture>

Monday, June 22, 2015

Lanang Mountain

From Left : Gunung Jepen, Bathok, Lanang
Not only beaches, Pacitan also have many mountains. One of them is called “Gunung Lanang”. It is located in Punjung village, Kebonagung District. Pacitan. It is about 20 km from the center of Pacitan to the East.
This Mountain is also counted as the highest place in pacitan. That fact makes this mountain is easy to be found. From the town, you can see the peak of this mountain clearly, a series mountains with 5 peaks on it. Gunung Limo is at the South Side of Gunung Lanang.

The access to come here is rather easy. You can use car or motorcycle use the “Tulakan Road”. Motorcycle is preferable though. About 15 km from the Alon Alon Pacitan, you turn right into smaller asphalt road for about 3 km and finding a paving road for about 2 km until the mountain food. You can Park there, but in order to prevent the bad things, you better park your motor cycle in the local house, With their permission, absolutely. Then you can walk to its peak fro about 20  minutes. It is not too high, so don’t worry.

The peak is rather wide. You can see the beauty of pacitan from here, with the scene of its town, grindulu river, and its beaches. If you decided to camp there, you can see the night scene with the glittering stars up the sky, and lamps similar stars on the town. If you are lucky, you can also see the beautiful sunrise and sunset from that mountain.
This Mountain has 2 peaks, but only one peaks that can be use for camping, because the other peak is only a big rock that very hard to be climbed. There are only rock and grass there. Except, you bring your climbing tools. But some locals usually climb that another peak to get food for their sheep, without equipment but sickle.

This is a favorite place for high school students to enjoy their holiday. If you, somehow, want to camp here, make sure to have permission from the head village. Camping with a good intention, keep clean of Nature, bring your trash down. That is the attitude. Wish you Happy camping! Enjoy Yourself! 

That is for Gunung Lanang, see you in my other post. Bye.<More Picture>

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sepang Mountain

Sepang from afar
Gunung sepang is located in Sepang village Rt.02 Rw.13 in district Tulakan, Pacitan. It is about 18km to the east, using Tulakan road. Many people like this place. This place is windy and very beautiful. You can see a whole pacitan from this peak, the sea, the village. This place has three wide place to camp.

The west place of Sepang's peak is my favorite camping ground, with two big rock that can be climbed to watch the stars. Here is the best place to watch the sunset. The middle of Sepang's Peak is rather shallow place. If you want to practice wall ckimbing, here is the right place. You can climb a special big rock here that similar to cliff without any equipment. If somehow, you accidentally slipped and fall here, you will land safely on bushes there. The East Peak, is the best place to wait and watch sunrise, with the enjoyable wind and the rocks that arranged naturally in order to make us sit easily.

You will not an expensive accommodation to get here, just use you motor cycle or use public transportation. With the notice, If you use your Motorcycle, you can parked it in the local house with the fee only Rp 3.000. If you use Public transportation, you will need to walk for about 2 km more from the Tulakan Road. Actually, about the fee, it is used to build the village. It is not used for the owner house themselves.

For some people, walking up this mountain will be tough. My tips is walk slowly, no need to haste. If you never been here before, start early. Climb with a good intention and keep the nature clean.

That is for Gunung Sepang. See you again in my another posts. Bye.<More Picture>

Goa Kalak (Cave)

Goa Kalak
Goa kalak is located in Sendang Village, Donorojo district, Pacitan. This cave is about 5 Km from Goa Gong, in theborder edge of Kalak and Sendang Village. This Goa Kalak is famous from its mystic than beauty of the stalagmite and stalactite.

This cave is often visited by peoples with the special purpose, most of them is about mystic things. Many visitor had come here, they were not only from pacitan, but also from many different places. There were also some high level official people that visited this place in order to do some ritual here.

Based of the story from the locals, Goa Kalak is a Meditation place of Raden Brawijaya in Maja Pahit Kingdom's time. This Cave, which has been there for more than hundred years is also the oldest cave in Pacitan. Usually, there is a key holder in places with mystic aura. In Goa Kalak, the key holder's name is Mr. Manrejo (Mbah Tugiman) that take care of this cave since1965. He is the third successor from the First Key Holder.

There are one ceramic that laid in that cave that used for meditation that originally made by a visitor who meditated in Lawu Mountain and had his vision to look for Raden Brawijaya's Meditation Place. After finding this place, he then, build a rectangular ceramic for other people that wanted to meditate there.

If you have enough curiosity about this place, you can come here using special permission. The last news that i heard about this Cave, for some reason, this cave is closed for general people. At least, contact and ask the key holder to accompany you. That is for Goa Kalak. See you next time in my other post. Bye.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Goa Putri (Cave)

Goa Putri
Goa Putri is one of many caves in Pacitan, East Java. This cave is located near Tabuhan Cave and Gong Cave. Its location is about 35km from alon-alon Pacitan To the west in Punung district Pacitan.  You can go there using motor cycle or Car. The road access is also good, with the wide and smooth asphalt.

There are ticket post in Goa Putri, you must park your motorcycle there and continue by walking a cement path. The green view of plants decorated the way along path. There are also a lot of writing sign that tell about loving, caring, and keep the nature clean.

Goa Putri has a small mouth cave. It is showing a nature creation of beauty stalactite and stalagmite which is made from years process. Stalactite and stalagmite was formed by a process from upper ground water which penetrate through very small crack in soil ground that bringing lime mineral with in. That process make the water rather sticky enough to stick on the roof cave and became stalactite. Its beauty is also strengthen by lamps. You will also find some bats that flying around that cave.

Goa Putri has a few visitor, there are also no seller. The facility there are only a narrow parking area, In spite of that, he country side view is also a good point from Goa Putri, about its rural sensation, with natural culture and harmony, intrigue your desire to stay here a little bit longer.

Goa Putri in English Means Princess Cave. The history of Goa Putri's name is because there is a stalagmite that has a form similar to Princess. There is also a lime rock that has form similar to resting place for a princess. The matter of princess lime rock and its resting place is still mysterious, even by locals.  There are even a legend about that Goa Putri that only known by the locals there.

Sometime, there are irresponsible people that left a drawing anywhere or damaging the infrastructure there. We need to be aware about those things, keep the area clean from rubbish, take nothing from there but picture in order to make that place be a comfortable place to enjoy the vacation with family.

That is all for Goa Putri, See you next time in my another post. Bye.<More Picture>

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Goa Tabuhan (Cave)

This cave is located in Tabuhan, Wareg Village, Punung subdistrict. It is about 30 km from central of Pacitan city. This Tabuhan cave only have 2 big chamber and is located near Gong Cave. People begin to go to this cave at 1998. Originally, this place called "Tapan Cave" (Tapan means hermit) because peoples used this place for meditate. Present, this cave is known bt the name "Goa Tabuhan (Tabuhan Cave)" because people use this place to do some art  (in a traditional way). They tap and hit the stalagtit and stalagmite in order to make melodious sound like "gamelan" (traditional java music instrument)

This Cave originally is formed  from lime stone and make its stalagmite and stalagtite since hundred years ago, because of chemical reaction from rain and lime mineral. With the estimate  up to seven  meter length and one meter diameter, it make the awesome giant pillars.

Tabuhan Gong
People make sound by tapping the stalagtite
the sound is similar to this gamelan
 Make sure to come here, and watch the nature creation of Tabuhan Cave. Bye. See you again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Kunir Beach

Kunir Beach
Kunir beach is one of the virgin beaches along Line South Way (JLS) Pacitan. It is located in Pager Kidul Village, District of Sudimoro, about 45 km form the Center of Pacitan . A few people know about this beach, the way here is not really good either.

If you are From pacitan, follow the JLS until finding Hadiwarno Trisection, then turn right into Lorok-Trenggalek way. After about 2-3 Km, you will find "Pantai Kunir" direction sign on the right side road. Follow that smaller road until you find another three section with a post on it, turn left. You will find very rough  macadam way. Following it for about 2 Km. There will be a scenery of wide rice field farm and coconut trees that really fit with the beach. From there, you will; soon find a field area that can be used for camping.

On the East side of the field, you will find a beautiful small lake full with mangrove trees. That lake have its water flowing to the Kunir beach. This Beach is very natural, with the decoration of coral lime. Hearing the Wave crush on it with playing water and sand will be better option to do. If you have much time there, waiting sunset to come is another good option.

Kunir beach is also in bounds with the locals coconuts garden. That mixing view from beach and Coconut tree make this place a good choice for refreshing. And some how, you will not feel disturbed by unnecessary noise from sellers.

That is for Kunir Beach, See you in another post. <More picture>

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Taman Beach

View from the Top Post
Taman beach is located in Ngadirojo district, Pacitan. This beach is part of South shore of Java with the characteristic of its big wave and rather dangerous to swim. The access to Taman beach is very easy. It is like if you want to go to another beach like Padi Dangkal Beach, Pidakan Beach, Soge Beach, Sidomulyo Beach, you will use the same path, JLS (South Line Road). Its wide and smooth road that, in this case, connect Kebonagung to Ngadirojo District.

This beach have a good panorama along the JLS, with the long shore and its high cliff. Whenever you are in your trip and pass this beach, it is better to stop for a while to rid away your tired. Sitting down under the shade of coconut tree and feel the blowing wind, it will be something that you can enjoy, refresh yourself.

This beach also give you the adventure spot, but if you are brave enough to conquer your fear. That is Flying Fox. Its length is about 400m. It said that Taman beach's Flying Fox is the longest in Indonesia.With Rp 25.000 as the fee for flying Fox, It will be worth to pump your adrenalin, right?

There are two post in flying Fox. It is the Top post as the start place to start the descending (sliding down) and Bottom Post as the finish. The way to Top post is rather heavy. You have to do a little bit exercise by walking up along the small path to the top cliff. Climbing and climbing, Keep your spirit friend.

When you reach the Top Post, you can see the full landscape of Taman beach, very long. It is time, to prepare your flying fox safety equipment, and enjoy your sliding to the bottom Post.

There is also a conservation place for turtle in Taman Beach. This conservation is managed by the local. Before they had collaborated with the bureau conservation of UMM (University Muhammadiyah Malang). This conservation is very helpful in turtle proliferation and keeping down the turtle from its extinction. Before the conservation was managed, there are a lot of fisherman that used the turtle flesh that was said had a rather expensive price and have impact in leading the turtle to near its extinction. With this conservation, local begin to know which animal that is protected and have to be keep about its existence. This conservation area is also opened for public. If you want to become the member or the investor, they will surely welcome you.

That is from Taman Beach, See you in my next post. Bye. <More Picture>

Monday, June 15, 2015

Soge Beach

Soge Beach is located in Sidomulyo village, Ngadirojo sub district, Pacitan. It is about 40km to the east from the central of pacitan and can be reached within about 45 minuts. You can get there easily by follow JLS (South Line Road) route. The Road is wide and smooth with the mild contour.

Soge beach is very beautiful, and easy to be find, because its location is exactly next to JLS. There are also an awsome rivermouth with the green surrounding from plant coconut. It gives an refreshing image. There are wide parking area that be prepared by local, then walk a little bit by a footpath and you will find the river mouth.

Amazing, that is the proper word for "soge beach", The long winding river that made you can feel free to do anything, near the beach with the white sand that have its wave dancing magnificently formed. There are also a small lake that naturally formed because the sea water is not completely pulled by the subsiding wave. This lake was divided from the beach by the pile of white sand

The lake is not wide, but good enough for small boat. With the fee about Rp 25.000, you can rent a local fisherman boat to go around the lake to enjoy the panorama. Ah, and i forget to mention, there are also more beach that located in line with the soge beach, they are ; taman beach and tawang beach. I will post about this beach another time.

There is one fascinating more from soge. It is Soge bridge. Many people from central pacitan go to soge bridge just to take picture there. The bridge is cool anyway, designed in a futuristic form with the soge beach as its background, it make a total perfect destination for soge beach and its bridge.

That is from soge. See you in my another post. Bye. <More picture >

Pidakan Beach

Pidakan Shore
Pidakan beach is located in Gedon Kulon subvillage, Jetak village, Tulakan distric, Pacitan. It is about 30 Km to the east from central of pacitan.You can get there by motor cycle or car by Jalur Lintas Selatan (South Line Road). The road is wide and smooth and the location of Pidakan beach is near the Road. It must be easy to find.

The Pidakan beach is very beautiful beach indeed, coral, pebbles, and sand are spreading along the shore.

For the photography lover, this location is very suitable for it. If you like to explore this beach, you will definitely find starfish, sea urchin and also mangrove crabs.

There were some mystic story about Pidakan beach, it was said by the local, that recently, a photographer was trying to take a picture of a big rock there, and suddenly, that photographer looked like he was possessed immediately. People said, that was happened because that photographer was trying to bring home some pebble from pidakan beach without permission. May be that action made the spirits there angry. The point is, don't  disturb the nature, keep their preservation.

Although the facility in Pidakan beach is still incomplete,you can still have a wide parking area and also suitable to build your tent there. The toilet and bathroom is rather clean. The food stalls is only open at the day light, because the electric installation is till have not reach there yet.

That is for Pidakan Beach. See you again in my next post. Bye.<More Picture>

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Padi (Dangkalan) Beach

Dangkalan Beach,  the original name of this beach is "Pantai Padi Dangkal", but people often called this beach by "Dangkal" or "Dangkalan", it means shallow. It is located in Wora-wari Village, Kebonagung District, Pacitan. It is about 25 Km from the central of Pacitan to the East about 40 minutes by motorcycle.

This beach is not really recognized yet. That makes you will find a little trouble to find this beach. You may will not find any written direction to Dangkalan Beach, but surely, you can ask. Your first clue is "Wora-Wari Bridge". It is located in JLS (south Line Road). That bridge is about 20 km from The center of Pacitan.

After finding that bridge, asking about the location for the "Dangkalan" beach will be better option. You will find another village road that cross the rice field. There is absolutely no sign on it.After a while, the asphalt will change into rocky road.

You will find that this place is really magnificent with the green rice field, the original landscape of a village. Then there will be a river mouth and the Dangkalan beach have be found. You can cross that river mouth easily, it is shallow.

Dangkalan beach has its sand in white. With the hill that surround this area, the green color from plants there, the rice fields, the wave, the corals and the cliff, it make completely magnificent landscape. There is also a ladder to climb up the cliff. By using that ladder, you can see the full scenery from the top of Dangkalan Beach.

There is also tradition that is held by the local. It is called "eret" or "eretan" (eret means pulling). Eret is a tradition for looking fish with using very long fishing-net that is put in the dangkalan beach. Both of the fishing-net tip is placed on the land, then it is pulled together to drive the fishes into the edge of the beach. The fish that was driven will be caught in that long fishing net.

That is for Dangkalan Beach, see you in another post. Bye.<More Picture>

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Bakung, Dung Dowo, Selok Kancil and Benelan Beaches

Coral in Whale form
Bakung beach is located in Karangnongko Village, Kebonagung district, Pacitan. It is about 20 Km to the East fom Alon Alon Pacitan. You can get there By JLS (South Line Road). Using motor cycle is preferable since the road is rather difficult after you leave the JLS, the asphalt road will be smaller, and the asphalt will change into paving road near the beach.

In Bakung Beach, there are unique coral that located in the middle of beach, it has form similar with the whale. I think that it is one the unique part from Bakung beach. The other one is the scene of the green rice field along the way there.

If you still have the strength to walk around, you can cross the hill follow the foot path that is made bu the local fisherman there and find another magnificent beaches. They are Dung Dowo, Selok Kancil and Benelan Beach.

Dung Dowo Beach
Dung Dowo has two beaches that is separated by the coral cliff. That beaches is only connected by the coral that formed naturally. You can cross to another beach of Dung Dowo by creeping that connecting coral. Need to be careful about that creeping, because it is rather difficult and slippery, and sometime the wave is crushing that way. That beach has white sand and decorated by the pretty small coral islands.

Selok Kancil Beach.
Selok kancil is not really vast and you can also see the activity of fisherman boats.

Benelan Beach
Benelan beach has form similar to selok Kanci. The only thing that make difference is the unique corals that constructed neatly in Benelan Beach

That is for today,. see you in my next post. Bye. <More picture>

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kali Uluh Beach

Kali uluh Beach is located in Klesem Village, Kebonagung subdistrict, Pacitan. It is about + 30 minutes from the center of pacitan to the East. First, you will pass JLS (Jalur Lintas Selatan) with the smooth and wide asphalt until you find Gayam Bridge. Right before that bridge, you turn left, up to a smaller road. About a few meters you will find Gayam Traditional Market, then turn right there to Klesem Village, follow the way across Gayam bridge.

When you have arrived close to beach area, the asphalt road turning into rough asphalt then change into macadam road after that. It is not only that, you will also find many difficult field, narrow road between hill, road side by side with ravine and the winding up and down road. That is the contour.

This broken and unpleasant field is appropriate for people with highly-adventure-soul. When you try to go to Kali Uluh Beach, it is recommended to use motor cycle that a car.

The tense and exhausted of journey will be healed when you arrive in location, because the Beauty of Kali uluh Beach. The panorama, glittering in front of your eyes. The white sand spread out the area, the rock and coral placed beauty originally by nature with the hill surround it.

This beach is still quiet from traveler. Peoples there use this place to relax, fishing and collecting sea shell. The rough journey but it will be worth.

That is all for Kali Uluh beach, See you next time in another post. Bye.
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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Wawaran Beach

Wawaran beach located in district Kebonagung, Pacitan. It is about +20 km eastward from Alon Alon Pacitan. You can get there using motor cycle or car, but the road is a rather difficult, the last time i went there, it was a small asphalt road with very hard contour, but now, it has been easier now, because it pass the main south-line-road. It is not only about beach, but to the way there, you will see the scene of natural hill of pacitan city.
Let's back to wawaran, this beach is an productive place to catch fish. You will find many traditional fisherman with their traditional boat here, and it is cheaper to buy fish here.This beach beside having a good wave is also have a good quality fish. Actually, wawaran beach is central developing for fish-catching which has gotten reward from the Indonesian President, it is began to do modernization for fisherman here.

This beach is very beautiful with its white sands, with lining mangrove and coconut tree . The wave crushing coral everytime in another side, completing the beauty of Wawaran Beach. The water color is blue with rock boulder which show up an down because of wave. Wawaran beach is still natural, it is became livelihood for people there.

It is really traditional fisherman^^

It is not many visitor here, but it is worth to be seen, especially if you are in vacation trip. That is all, see you next time in my another post. bye.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Buyutan Beach

Buyutan Beach seen from above
Buyutan Beach located in Widoro Village, Subdistrict of Donorojo, Pacitan city.

You can get there by using Gong Cave line, because it has same direction. From there, you need to go straight to Kalak Village, then head to Widoro Village. It will be asphalt road, after a while, the way there became rougher, macadam road.

You will see farm spread out there, with so many tiny hut for farmer. At the end of farming landscape, a beautiful beach will be found. Buyutan Beach, with the white sand that spread out the area, the clear blue sea water, it will be unforgettable scene of Buyutan. In the afternoon, it is a good place to watch the sunset from above. Start from this location, you can walk down to the beach, the way down is very difficult for your vehicle, it is down and winding sheer, that is why you need to walk.

Buyutan beach has its mark by the coral that have many form; boat form, crown form. There are myth, that the crown-form-coral  was originally God Narada's crown (myth in java culture) which accidentally fallen when he was flying in that area.

The shore also has a vast sand spread out, it can be use as camping ground. There are also a small water spring, it can be used for camping water supply , or else, wash your body after play sand and sea water.

If you have plan to camp there, you need to be careful of monkey, because the reef behind the beach area is a monkey's habitat. Actually, the monkeys there are afraid of human, but you still need to be careful especially for your own sake.

One more thing, only as reminder, in order to make the beach ecosystem keep safe, it is better to keep it clean. Lets do it together. That is all about Buyutan Beach, See you at my next post. <More Picture >

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Banyu Tibo Beach

Banyu Tibo Beach, it was originally from Java Language. Banyu means Water, and Tibo means Fall. Together, it has meaning beach which have water fall on. Banyu tibo is located in Widoro village, subdistric of Donorojo, Pacitan City. This beach actually is in one line with Srau Beach, Watu Karung Beach, Klayar Beach, and Ngiroboyo Beach but using a different road.

Here, you are not only able to play sand or swim, but also enjoy the rare scenery of waterfall on this beach. That water really fall  from river cliff to sand beach then flowing to sea. After you feel satisfied with sand and water, shower under waterfall can be a good idea.
Banyu Tibo has white sand, it is surrounded by coral cliff. The water here is blue and clean. Actually, the beach located under surrounded cliff, so you have to be careful when climbing down the beach.

You can take a shower here, like hermit :)
the waterfall
That is for Banyu Tibo Beach, i hope you enjoy my post. Byee.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Maroon River to Ngiroboyo Beach

Rent a boat and enjoy the view
Maron River
Maron River is located in Dersono Village, Pringkuku subdistric, Pacitan. It is about 30 km to west from the central of pacitan. This Maron river's long is about 3km and have its river mouth in Ngiroboyo Beach.

Many people may be does't know about the magnificent of this Maron river. But recently, many media is talking about how wonderful Maron river is. The way to go there is rather difficult with hill contour and the road that is not in good shape. 
This River is very important for the local, that is why, Maron river is clean with good care from them.Every year, people there hold a raw boat contest that every one can joint on it. 

If you are looking for recreation, it is a really good place. You can rent a raw boat with 50.000 s/d 150.000 fee and enjoy the view along Maroon River until Ngiroboyo Beach with the view of clean river with the green forest on the edge of the river, and it will be worth your time. Altough, actually you can use your own motor/ car to reach that beach.

Ngiroboyo Beach
The Ngiroboyo Beach
Ngiroboyo Beach is Located in Sambi sub Village, Punung distric, Pacitan. The Ngiroboyo Beach located is about 6 km from Klayar Beach. This beach is rather quiet. It is may be caused  by the access there is rather difficult for car. The cement read will be fount about 3km before the beach, it will be very difficult for a car if two car pass each other, further more with the hill contour in it. It is better to use motor cycle to reach that beach, or you can rent car that use local as its driver.

That is for maron river and Ngiroboyo beach, see you next time in another post. bye. <<More Picture >>

Friday, May 29, 2015

Klayar Beach

Klayar Beach
Klayar Beach is about 40 km to west from Pacitan City. You can get there by using motorcycle or mini car. Klayar and Gong Cave are in one direction, it means you will find the road in wide and good condition until gong cave, then the road will transform into small and rather rough with so many curve, up and down like hill. It is a little bit difficult, but you will find a good view of green hill and valley on your way there.

Klayar does not have many visitor, except in holiday. In a normal day, you will find peoples fishing there. White sand spread out that area with clear-like-crystal wave that crush the shore, with coral reef at the left and right side. You can walk up the coral reef on the right side to enjoy the scenery better.

Satisfied with the scenery from the top, you can enjoy walking in the white shore. To the west, you will find a small river mouth. It has base with black sand with stripping white pattern which originally mixed with white sand from shore.

The high reef will be found at the very east of Klayar, it has shape like spinx. Exploring the reef area around it, you will find a coral hill with natural tunnel under it.

It is still in the East, you will find a natural fountain sprout about 7 meters high. It was happened because wave with strong current hit reef with a small crack. It made some of the water went under reef and sprouted up high like giant fountain with a sound like flute. People there called that sound as "suling laut".

That is all for Klayar Beach, meet you again in my next post. By.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Goa Gong (Cave)

The entrance
Gong cave is located + 30 km west of Pacitan, precisely in Bomo village, Punung district. It is easy to get there with all types of vehicle. This area also have some facilities, such as; souvenir shops, restaurants, parking area, Mosque, etc.

Gong Cave has stalagtite and stalagmite that is said become the most beautiful one in South-east Asian. It has about 256 m depth, beside that it also has 5 polls; Rogo Pool, Panguripan Pool, Jiwo Pool, Kamulyan Pool, and Ralung Nisto Pool, which have magical value to heal disease.

Before you enter the entrance, you will find local dwellers assemble in front of the cave, offering their guide services and also flashlights. No about the entrance, it is not big and you will see many straws shape limestone ornaments on the ceiling of the cave. You will pass through a small crack, and after that, out of the expectation, this area is really big with amazing stalactites and stalagmites. Some lights have been set on some areas, giving dime light that makes this cave more beautiful.

There stair and grip handle bar inside the cave, so don't worry about wet and slippery soil. Exploring this room with beautiful limestone stalactites and stalagmites standing firmly supporting the cave as its pillars is just an unforgettable experience. Curtain shaped flowed stones can be seen in some corners, adorning this cave with their beautiful shapes.

That is all about Gong cave, and next, it will be Klayar Beach. See you next time.
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Watu Karung Beach

Watu Karung View
Watu karung Beach located in watu karung village, it is about 30 km to the west from Alon Alon pacitan. You can get there using car or motorcycle. The way to get there is rather difficult especially for new comer, because it has contour like hill, up and down, and the road is rather narrow.

This beach has white sands. The panorama is really beautiful, You can feel the softy of white sands,  with the blue wave and small coral islands, and the tranquility make it much better, because there is still a few people that have their vacation here, and that is why this beach is still clean from rubbish.

Watu Karung Beach also have a good wave for surfer. Many tourist come here, not only to enjoy the view, but also to surf. You can enjoy surf as free as you want here. This beach is favorite place to surf beside of Teleng Ria Beach.

There are no resort place, but some time, a few people ask permission to stay in villager's place, don't worry the villagers there are so friendly (as long as you behave ^^). You also can build up a tend here, there are many people who came to watu karung just for camping in their vacation. Many coconut tree there, so it is easy to build a tend. Sun rise and sun set is very beautiful there, it is worth to be enjoyed.

If you are a fishing lovers, it is also a good place for fishing. You can rent a small boat from fisherman, or choose the coral cliff as a place to fish. This is from me, hopefully you enjoy my post. See you in another post. Bye.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Srau Beach

Srau Beach
Srau Beach is located in Candi Village, in sub district of Pringkuku, Pacitan. It is about 25 Km to the west of Alon-Alon Pacitan. We can get there use car or motor cycle. The road is in a good condition, but the contour is rather difficult, it is hill-like-mountain-road.
This beach informally is divided into three location, First location is the nearest from entrance portal. You can see so many unique coral that grow up high like a hill of coral in the coast line. The water is so clear with domination of blue color combined with white sands,  you will easily find alga (sea wed) here.

Second location will be found after we follow a small asphalt road from the entrance portal to the west. It is the most favorite location for visitor and tourist. You can find seat that are served there, face to beach, with roof. You can find many seller here, drink or crackers. The wave is small, but you still have to be careful for playing on the water. It is also the most favorite place for surfer, it is not only for local resident but also tourist. The most special icon of this location is a coral cave.

The third location, it is my most favorite one, located in the most west of srau beach. You can find a small bay, with the white sands, and also you can walk up hill there to see sunset, it was the most beautiful moment that you can ever find there, especially when you are with your couple.

Most of the shore in srau beach consist with coral and white sand. We, sometimes, can walk on the coral while our feet still sink in the water. Sometime you can find many sea creature such as; sea cucumber, starfish, and sea urchin.

If you dare, you can climb some high coral there to see the wonderful panorama of Ocean, and it is also good place to fishing. This is for srau beach, i hope this can help your vacation trip. See you next time. Bye.


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