Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Alon Alon Pacitan

Every city has its own central place called Alon Alon. This is the mark of 0 (zero) km in Pacitan. When tourists want to ask about some location, alon-alon is the best spot to make the first direction. For example, if people ask you how to go to Teleng Ria Beach, then you can easily answer, from alon-alon, you go to the east until finding traffic light, then turn right about 3 km, then you can turn left at the front of sector police station.

Many important Office also located near by alon alon. From there, you may go West, and find the Big Mosque and Resort Police Station. Going to East, you will find department stores and Bank. Going North, You will find the central of Government Office. Going to South, you will find Gazeebo, Junior Highs School and Elementary school. There are also some Hotel around Alon alon Pacitan, like Prasasti Hotel, Pacitan Hotel, and Alloro Guest House.

Alon alon Pacitan is divided into two main area. East alon alon used for garden city, and west alon alon is used as sport field. East alon alon consist with modified plants, grass, fountain water and a lot of statue in animal and logs form. A foot steps made in harmony with the garden, you can easily find a small pebbles that planted in that foot step in order to massage your feet if you walk on it without sandals. It is made for health purpose. There are also a general toilet that can be used anytime. West alon alon originally used for soccer field. You can also find volley and basketball field in alon alon. There are also a tribune that is used for some simple performance by some peoples, like magic, music, or drama performance. You can also find a drink and fast food stall around the West side of alon alon.

Alon alon pacitan in the very morning is a little bit different. You will find some peoples jogging around alon alon. Along the sun being higer, the road around alon alon will be crowded by traffic, working people and students. A little more higer the sun, Students usually use alon alon as a place to practice their Physical Education Lesson. Some of Sivil servant also use that alon alon for exercise. Afternoon, will be time for preparation from seller to open their stalls.
Night is the best time in alon alon pacitan. The beauty of colorful light make peoples want to stay as long as possible there. Fast food stall will be still open on the West. The difference is on the East, you will find many stalls line there, they sell unique food, there are Jadah bakar, Tahu Bakar, Jagung Bakar and Sate Tahu. That place is a favorite place for many peoples, the price is also cheap. Usually, this unique stall will open until morning. If you have girl friend, night alon alon can be a romantic place to visit. If you are lucky, some time you can watch some stage performance there. The smooth footstep in front of Government office can be use to play skate board and roller skate. Some peoples also choose to play basketball on the night time.

Every Sunday from 04.00 s/d 09.30, The goverment held a "Car free day" festival, it means all motorcycle and car is prohibited to pass alon alon area. That area is only used for non motor vehicle. The activity there are elder exercise, jogging, cycling, playing, or some activity that held particular for that day, like stage band, song, or some quiz.

In some occasion of Holiday or anniversary, alon alon often used for Performance with big stage, and also there will be so many seller and make alon alon crowded. Some time, if some very important people came to pacitan using helicopter, they might landed in alon alon.

That is all for alon-alon pacitan. See you next time in my another post. Bye.

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