Tuesday, May 12, 2015

West Pancer (Pacitan Harbour)

It is located at the west side of Teleng Ria Beach, you can go there by foot from Teleng ria beach using very small bridge or else using the main road across the big bridge near sector police station.

Pacitan Harbour is not so big, but it has beautiful scenery. There are no Big Ship, just some small boat, and you can find many traditional fisherman. If your hobby is fishing, then you are in the right place. You can also buy a fresh fish there, because Pacitan Harbour is also known as Fish Auction Place. There are also a gas station that was build for boats, but it also serve car and motorcycle.

In your way here using main road, after you cross the big bridge, you will find a three junction about 1 Km from that bridge. You need to turn left if you want to go to Pacitan Harbour. Here it is, there are some place that serve "Nasi Tiwul" around that Junction. Nasi Tiwul is a delicious food that you can only find in that area. I recommended you to stop there and try it. Each of that Sego Tiwul stall has its unique view of teleng ria beach.  My favorite stall is the blue one, Bu Tarmi Stall. You will find it right after the three junction. My second favorite is the stall after the blue one, near the small mosque.

That is for Pacitan Harbour, i hope you enjoy my posting. See you next time in another post, bye.
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today quotes
 ''Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, feed him for a lifetime"

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