Sunday, May 31, 2015

Maroon River to Ngiroboyo Beach

Rent a boat and enjoy the view
Maron River
Maron River is located in Dersono Village, Pringkuku subdistric, Pacitan. It is about 30 km to west from the central of pacitan. This Maron river's long is about 3km and have its river mouth in Ngiroboyo Beach.

Many people may be does't know about the magnificent of this Maron river. But recently, many media is talking about how wonderful Maron river is. The way to go there is rather difficult with hill contour and the road that is not in good shape. 
This River is very important for the local, that is why, Maron river is clean with good care from them.Every year, people there hold a raw boat contest that every one can joint on it. 

If you are looking for recreation, it is a really good place. You can rent a raw boat with 50.000 s/d 150.000 fee and enjoy the view along Maroon River until Ngiroboyo Beach with the view of clean river with the green forest on the edge of the river, and it will be worth your time. Altough, actually you can use your own motor/ car to reach that beach.

Ngiroboyo Beach
The Ngiroboyo Beach
Ngiroboyo Beach is Located in Sambi sub Village, Punung distric, Pacitan. The Ngiroboyo Beach located is about 6 km from Klayar Beach. This beach is rather quiet. It is may be caused  by the access there is rather difficult for car. The cement read will be fount about 3km before the beach, it will be very difficult for a car if two car pass each other, further more with the hill contour in it. It is better to use motor cycle to reach that beach, or you can rent car that use local as its driver.

That is for maron river and Ngiroboyo beach, see you next time in another post. bye. <<More Picture >>

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