Monday, May 18, 2015

Mercusuar (East Pancer) 2006

Mercusuar is located on the very east of Teleng ria beach. This time, that mercusuar is passed by “Jalun Lintas Selatan” (South line road) which is still under construction while I write this post. This article is about mercusuar in 2006 with me and my friends.

Four people, there were me, riki, faris, and chinshop. We were friend in some extra curricular in senior high school which determined our guts to explore Mercusuar. That time, it was so scary to go there, since so many people said that the location was very dangerous, so many ghosts, so many monkeys, etc. We were young anyway, so it did not matter for us.
We started our adventure on Saturday afternoon, about 4pm using motorcycle through sirnoboyo village and stopped in “Tempat Pelelangan Ikan” (Fish auction Place), very east Teleng Ria Beach. We parked our motorcycle there, then continued walked through the forest and cliff above the shore following the fisherman path. It looked difficult to pass, the contour, the ravine (we walked on the ground path with the hill on our left side and 10 meters sharp corals waiting bellow us on the right side), we needed to be careful.

About 25 Minutes had passed. We were about half of our journey. Aha, I forgot to mention that we brought a map, compass, protactor, and altimeter (they were the tools for navigation) with us, we knew a little bit how to use that tools. That was why, we knew that we went in the right track. We arrived at Delon bay. It was so small. There were a hut for us to take a rest. That place apparently was used by the fisherman to dock their traditional canoe (small boat). The view was so beautiful there.
Actually, we don’t have enough time because the day was getting darker. It was so dangerous to walk there in darkness, so we walked faster. After a while, we passed somewhere like forest and we saw monkey there. Monkey was scary, but it was not about that, it was time which getting darker slowly. We walked faster and faster. And finally we arrived there about 5.30 pm. We were glad that we arrived safely.

We didn’t bring any proper tent, so we made an emergency tent by using rain robe. After that we took our food and drink. We did not forget to take a picture. We slept under sky with the stars as our lantern. So beautiful. That time we saw, just once, that the house lamp was lit up, yes, just once. Light rain sometimes pouring us, and driving us to our emergency tent.

We took more picture in the morning, explored that place, then met with a fisherman that gave us a big shrimp. We mixed it with instant noodle for our breakfast. After we satisfied, we walk home using different path. That time was raining heavily. It make us could not open our map (we were afraid that map will be broken), then the result is we walk around and around and make the distance is much longer that it had to be (strayed).

This was my experience with my friend. Hope that you all still remember that time. See you in my next post. 
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