Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Taman Beach

View from the Top Post
Taman beach is located in Ngadirojo district, Pacitan. This beach is part of South shore of Java with the characteristic of its big wave and rather dangerous to swim. The access to Taman beach is very easy. It is like if you want to go to another beach like Padi Dangkal Beach, Pidakan Beach, Soge Beach, Sidomulyo Beach, you will use the same path, JLS (South Line Road). Its wide and smooth road that, in this case, connect Kebonagung to Ngadirojo District.

This beach have a good panorama along the JLS, with the long shore and its high cliff. Whenever you are in your trip and pass this beach, it is better to stop for a while to rid away your tired. Sitting down under the shade of coconut tree and feel the blowing wind, it will be something that you can enjoy, refresh yourself.

This beach also give you the adventure spot, but if you are brave enough to conquer your fear. That is Flying Fox. Its length is about 400m. It said that Taman beach's Flying Fox is the longest in Indonesia.With Rp 25.000 as the fee for flying Fox, It will be worth to pump your adrenalin, right?

There are two post in flying Fox. It is the Top post as the start place to start the descending (sliding down) and Bottom Post as the finish. The way to Top post is rather heavy. You have to do a little bit exercise by walking up along the small path to the top cliff. Climbing and climbing, Keep your spirit friend.

When you reach the Top Post, you can see the full landscape of Taman beach, very long. It is time, to prepare your flying fox safety equipment, and enjoy your sliding to the bottom Post.

There is also a conservation place for turtle in Taman Beach. This conservation is managed by the local. Before they had collaborated with the bureau conservation of UMM (University Muhammadiyah Malang). This conservation is very helpful in turtle proliferation and keeping down the turtle from its extinction. Before the conservation was managed, there are a lot of fisherman that used the turtle flesh that was said had a rather expensive price and have impact in leading the turtle to near its extinction. With this conservation, local begin to know which animal that is protected and have to be keep about its existence. This conservation area is also opened for public. If you want to become the member or the investor, they will surely welcome you.

That is from Taman Beach, See you in my next post. Bye. <More Picture>

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