Monday, June 22, 2015

Lanang Mountain

From Left : Gunung Jepen, Bathok, Lanang
Not only beaches, Pacitan also have many mountains. One of them is called “Gunung Lanang”. It is located in Punjung village, Kebonagung District. Pacitan. It is about 20 km from the center of Pacitan to the East.
This Mountain is also counted as the highest place in pacitan. That fact makes this mountain is easy to be found. From the town, you can see the peak of this mountain clearly, a series mountains with 5 peaks on it. Gunung Limo is at the South Side of Gunung Lanang.

The access to come here is rather easy. You can use car or motorcycle use the “Tulakan Road”. Motorcycle is preferable though. About 15 km from the Alon Alon Pacitan, you turn right into smaller asphalt road for about 3 km and finding a paving road for about 2 km until the mountain food. You can Park there, but in order to prevent the bad things, you better park your motor cycle in the local house, With their permission, absolutely. Then you can walk to its peak fro about 20  minutes. It is not too high, so don’t worry.

The peak is rather wide. You can see the beauty of pacitan from here, with the scene of its town, grindulu river, and its beaches. If you decided to camp there, you can see the night scene with the glittering stars up the sky, and lamps similar stars on the town. If you are lucky, you can also see the beautiful sunrise and sunset from that mountain.
This Mountain has 2 peaks, but only one peaks that can be use for camping, because the other peak is only a big rock that very hard to be climbed. There are only rock and grass there. Except, you bring your climbing tools. But some locals usually climb that another peak to get food for their sheep, without equipment but sickle.

This is a favorite place for high school students to enjoy their holiday. If you, somehow, want to camp here, make sure to have permission from the head village. Camping with a good intention, keep clean of Nature, bring your trash down. That is the attitude. Wish you Happy camping! Enjoy Yourself! 

That is for Gunung Lanang, see you in my other post. Bye.<More Picture>

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