Thursday, June 11, 2015

Kali Uluh Beach

Kali uluh Beach is located in Klesem Village, Kebonagung subdistrict, Pacitan. It is about + 30 minutes from the center of pacitan to the East. First, you will pass JLS (Jalur Lintas Selatan) with the smooth and wide asphalt until you find Gayam Bridge. Right before that bridge, you turn left, up to a smaller road. About a few meters you will find Gayam Traditional Market, then turn right there to Klesem Village, follow the way across Gayam bridge.

When you have arrived close to beach area, the asphalt road turning into rough asphalt then change into macadam road after that. It is not only that, you will also find many difficult field, narrow road between hill, road side by side with ravine and the winding up and down road. That is the contour.

This broken and unpleasant field is appropriate for people with highly-adventure-soul. When you try to go to Kali Uluh Beach, it is recommended to use motor cycle that a car.

The tense and exhausted of journey will be healed when you arrive in location, because the Beauty of Kali uluh Beach. The panorama, glittering in front of your eyes. The white sand spread out the area, the rock and coral placed beauty originally by nature with the hill surround it.

This beach is still quiet from traveler. Peoples there use this place to relax, fishing and collecting sea shell. The rough journey but it will be worth.

That is all for Kali Uluh beach, See you next time in another post. Bye.
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