Sunday, June 7, 2015

Wawaran Beach

Wawaran beach located in district Kebonagung, Pacitan. It is about +20 km eastward from Alon Alon Pacitan. You can get there using motor cycle or car, but the road is a rather difficult, the last time i went there, it was a small asphalt road with very hard contour, but now, it has been easier now, because it pass the main south-line-road. It is not only about beach, but to the way there, you will see the scene of natural hill of pacitan city.
Let's back to wawaran, this beach is an productive place to catch fish. You will find many traditional fisherman with their traditional boat here, and it is cheaper to buy fish here.This beach beside having a good wave is also have a good quality fish. Actually, wawaran beach is central developing for fish-catching which has gotten reward from the Indonesian President, it is began to do modernization for fisherman here.

This beach is very beautiful with its white sands, with lining mangrove and coconut tree . The wave crushing coral everytime in another side, completing the beauty of Wawaran Beach. The water color is blue with rock boulder which show up an down because of wave. Wawaran beach is still natural, it is became livelihood for people there.

It is really traditional fisherman^^

It is not many visitor here, but it is worth to be seen, especially if you are in vacation trip. That is all, see you next time in my another post. bye.

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