Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Limo Mountain

Gunung Limo is one of the object of tourism in pacitan. It about 15 km from Alon-Alon Pacitan to the East, in mantren village, District of Kebonagung. You can get there by using JLS (South Line Road) and turn left before the Woro Wari Bridge. Look for Gayam Traditional market, then turn left again follow the road. The JLS road is plain and wide, but you will find a rather difficult small road with hill contour after Gayam traditional Market. Another information, from Gayam Traditional Market you can also go to Wawaran Beach and Woro wari Beach. Dont you worry about your motor cycle or Car, because there are a wide parking area on Gunung Limo's Foot.
Gunung Jepen, Bathok, Lanang (left).---------Gunung Limo series (right)
From many Mounts in pacitan, gunung Limo is believed at the mountain that omit highest spiritual energy because of his history. But it is up to you to believe of not, but came here with good intention is the best thing that you can do about its spiritual energy. Among the mountains in pacitan, gunung Limo has phenomenon of real jungle. You can find high and big three with the vine hanging around there. The ascend food path will guide you onto its peak. You will find, sometime, climbing using an emergency ladder with a rope as helper in some difficult path. Right before its peak, you will find a big rock that have a crack as a small tunnel. The crack is very narrow, it only can be used for one person. It is believed, that people with a bad intention, regardless how big their body size will not be able to pass that crack. But people with a good intention do. That crack also known with the name of "selo Matangkep" or "Watu Apit"
After passed that rock, you will find its peak. There are two peaks in gunung Limo, the first peak is the nearest with the cracking rock. From there, you can see the Beautiful panorama of kebonagung village, with the wind is strongly blowing. That is my favorite place, although you can not build your tent here because it has a rock as its foundation .

Then you can walk a little bit further to find another peak. That is higher that first peak, you can see the spreading beaches in pacitan. If you want to camp, this peak is better because it has a solid ground to build a tent and the wind is not strong.

In gunung Limo, there are also place called "pertapan". It is a place for hermit to pray. That is like a shallow cave, some people often use that place to pray (in their own believe) and bring some incense and myrrh there. If you are brave enough, it is also good place to sleep, no need to worry about the rain that "pertapan". Enjoy your recreation, your camping, with your friends, and don't worry to bring your Guitar. 

Always remember this thing,"Don't Take anything but picture, don't Left anything but Footprints and don't Kill anything but time". Keep the area clean. Happy Camping!
That is for Gunung Limo, See you next time in my another post. Bye. <More picture>

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