Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ceprotan Traditional Ceremony (Donorojo-Pacitan)

"Ceprotan"  is a traditional ceremony that has cleaning purpose which is done by people in Sekar Village, Donorojo, Pacitan. This traditional ceremony is held in every Monday Kliwon, Longkang Moon, or Selo (Kliwon , Longkang and Selo is Java's Calendar Stuff). This sole purpose of this traidition is to get rid of any danger for its peoples and nobody wants to neglect this ceremony.

Peoples believe that it would give them bad effect to the village if they don't held the ceremony, such as; more peoples got sick and failed in farming often happen. "This Ceprotan tradition will never be stopped, even in the future." said Imam Tukidjo one of the peoples in the middle of the ceremony.

The series of sacred Ceprotan Ceremony is started by gathering chickens from some peoples. This ceremony is lead by a village Chief. The peak of this procession would be in afternoon where the sun began to dawn. It would be started with "surup" (sun dawn) dance, then the elder start to pray, and the Chief Village would take a role as another person Called Ki Godeg, and his wife would have a role as Dewi Sekartaji.

It is like some other traditions in Java Island. The background of Ceprotan was based of the collapse of Kediri Kingdom that was divided into two smaller Kingdoms; Jenggolo Kingdom and Doho Kingdom.

It was told that a romantic relationship from a young couple also became a victim from the kingdom's splitted up. The love relationship between Raden Panji Wanengpati and Dewi Sekartaji was broken. Both of them had to run from the kingdom to save their lives.

For tens years, they were looking each other. Finally, they met in a particular area that in the future would be came Sekar Village. 

"Dewi Sekartaji pretended to be Brambang Bawang, while Radeb Raden Panji Wanengpati became Kyai Godheg. When Raden Panji opened the forest in this area, he met with with Dewi Sekartaji. The word "Sekar Village" was based from the name of Sekartaji." Said that long haired man.

Smokes from incenses started to mix with the dawn sensation. The incenses aroma made the magic sensation stronger. In a small stage 2x2 meters size with young coconut leaves as its fence and banyan leaves, the elder faced a incenses pot. His mouth muttered a strange chanting. That was a beginning of Ceprotan's ritual.

A while after that, a group of people with traditional Java costumes brought a carriage with 2 meters high. There were a offering foods inside. Started from Ketan, Jadah, roasted chicken, etc.

At the very front, Imam Tukidjo which acted as Kyai Godeg and the wife Dewi Sekartaji that was acted by Sri Gianti, the wife of Imam Tukidjo, they were really into the ceremony. With the procession movements that mixed beautifully with the Gamelan music, both of them brought the offer near the gate that was made from the yellow coconuts leaves.  

"This ritual told us about Kyai Godeg and Dewi Sekartaji when they started their life as teacher in the old days." said Imam Tukidjo enthusiastically.

Two roasted chicken that were in the carriage was brought by two peoples that running around in the middle of the field. Then peoples around the field would throwing them with young coconuts. 

"Who dare to snatch the roasted chicken would be "ceprot" (thrown at) with coconuts. It told us about the Kyai Godheg pupils that snatching food from others." said that man.

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