Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tumpak Rinjing Monument

Statue of The Patriots
Monument Tumpak Rinjing is located at Dadapan Village, in District Pringkuku Pacitan. This monument is built as reminder of guerrilla route that was performed by Big Commander, General Sudirman in Pacitan in order to fight the colonization. There are two big statue at that monument. They are General Sudirman and Brigadier General Ignatius Slamet Riyadi as the leader of the war and guerrilla. This monument also was built to remember the service of the patriots that died in Tumpak Rinjing war against the convoy army of Colonial Netherland that was happened in June 7th, 1948.

The access road to this monument is very easy, using the "Pacitan-Solo bus". That monument is right at the rear read. The area of this monument is not large, and there are no facility. It is just a good place if you want to stop from your journey to take a rest, or taking a photo, or somehow, want to remember or give honor to the patriots. 

That monument also is a favorite route for senior high school in their exploring for extracurricular program. In some occasion, that place is used for "Palagan Tumpak Rinjing" Event. It is a marching festival. Peoples made a group for 10 peoples and walk from the central of Pacitan (alon-alon), to the Pringkuku and pass Monument Tumpak rinjing, and back to the alon-alon. It is about walking for 35km endurance, started from 8pm (night) to 7am (morning).

This place is good as a resting place for biker, before continuing their journey. The location is rather shady with the blowing wind and the tree surround it. The shelters there is the best place to rest and eat your food. Make sure to keep that place clean.

That is for Monument of Tumpak Rinjing. See you in my next post. Bye. <more picture>

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Gesingan Beach

This place is located in Dadapan Village, Pringkuku. It is about 15 km from alon alon pacitan. You can come here follow the Pacitan-Solo's bus route. You will find Monument Tumpak Rinjing, on the left side road, with a small narrow road with a small gate right after that monument. Turn in to that gate and follow the road through a village. The road is still in asphalt form, but in very bad condition. You will find a three section after it, make sure that you turn left, then follow the road again. From here, the road will change into macadam. 

Following that macadam road, you will arrive at the wide area, that you can see the landscape of South Ocean from there. Such beautiful scenery. That wide area is called Lapangan Tembak (Fire Practiceing Field). Sometimes, that area is used by Indonesian Army to practice Shooting Fire arm. Peoples can not go to Gesingan Beach using that route if the Army still in practice. It is happened rarely though, so don't worry about that.
From Lapangan Tembak, you must go by walking. Go straight to south, and you will find down path, follow it. The gesingan beach is located rather in the left,. When you find a splitting path, make sure to choose left. If you walk the wrong way, you will reach under the field, that only contain dangerous cliffs. The way down is rather long, maybe about 10 minutes walking.

Gesingan beach is still quiet place, has its white sand, coral along the shore with some traditional fisherman there looking for sea shell. That place also a good choice for fishing. The scenery from that beach is very beautiful, without a noise from seller, clean area, that can make you enjoy vacation. Taking picture from many angle using the unique coral that spread along that small beach.

The pacitan-solo course itself is also another good point. You can enjoy the trip by looking the scenery of teleng ria beach from upside. Some time you will find a shady area with a large tree and fresh air in the middle of your trip. If you still have enough time, you can also visit Loh denok. They are very close.

That is all for Gesingan Beach. See you in my another post. Bye.
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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Loh Denok and Pacitan Indah

Loh Denok is located in "Pacitan-Solo" bus route. It is about 12 km from the center of pacitan to the west. It is on the same direction with Teleng Ria Beach and Monument of Tumpak Rinjing. It is right beside the main road. Loh Denok is not officially called as Pacitan Tourism, but it surely has a good scenery. You can see the view from above, see the whole pacitan city, its beach, its town, its mountain and with the mild blowing wind up there. At the night time, when you pass Loh Denok, you will see the beautiful light from lamp in the city, it is looked as a black sea with the stars light in it. With the real stars spread on the night sky high.  

There was a Dawet Ice and Lotes (like fruid salad) in the small food stall made from wood. That was my favourite, it was cheap and yummy. Now, the stall is not there anymore. Regardless it is daylight or night, Loh Denok is a favorite place for couple teenagers. The place is somehow, romantic and refreshing.
You can Park your car or motorcycle there, then walk for 10m to north, walking in the grass path. There, you can find an old fortress left from war period. That fortress face ocean in order to observe incoming attack from ocean. There are a buried underground, but you can still walk down there.

Or, from your car or motorcycle, you can also walk 10m to south, walking in the brush path, you will find an old building. It is the most favorite place for couple to do something, or just enjoying the scenery. If you want to take picture of sunset or sen rice, this old building is your right place, since you can climb up to the building roof to take picture. That old building is strong enough for you all to stand up there.

Pacitan Indah
There are also another place similar with Loh denok. It is called "Pacitan Indah", that place is also not officialy known as Tourism location, but it is good enough to take a rest and got rid of all stiff in your body. It is also a favourite place for coulpes, and also for whole family to do a picnic. It is located on the west side of loh denok. It is about 25km from Central of Pacitan, or 10 Km to the west more after Loh denok.

This location is in responsibility of government forest agency. This place is rather shady, with a lot of big tree around that area. The wind is also blowing and make your self refreshed. You can also see the beauty of pacitan with its vast ocean from above. There are wooden building as sign of that place that originally used by government forest agency.

That is for Loh Denok and Pacitan Indah, see you in my next post. Bye. <More Picture>


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